Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wethinks about chickens, Part Double Yolk

I wrote a few months back about raising chickens in our backyard (read it here).

Evidently, this line of thinking is becoming more mainstream.

Boog is worried about that and thinks maybe we should consider pheasant instead.

Check out this video from the Wall Street Journal about the chicken wars in Salem, Oregon.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thoughts on Independence Day

This Independence Day, take a moment to learn how our politicians are gleefully taking the role of the aristocracy and how there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Wall Street Journal provides these reports that illustrate that the rhetorical badgering that takes place on the Sunday talk shows is followed by happy backslapping on the planeride to exotic locales on the taxpayer dime.

There's the Political Class and then there's us stuck paying for it.